
Fundraising Policy

Bat Conservation Trust is committed to delivering a high standard of service to anyone who engages with our work. We are keen to hear from anyone who believes we have fallen short of the high standards we set ourselves. General feedback and comments are also always welcome.

We define a fundraising complaint as a criticism which alleges or indicates that we have not complied with the Fundraising Policy and Statement as required through our registration with the Fundraising Regulator, and that we have been in breach of the Code of Fundraising Practice and its associated rulebooks as detailed on the Fundraising Regulator’s website. All complaints warrant a timely and appropriate response and a proposed outcome to rectify and eliminate the issue from reoccurring. Fundraising complaints can include:

  • Concern and criticism about the quality of our fundraising work.
  • Concern and criticism from a member or supporter about a particular fundraising approach or campaign.
  • Concern about the behaviour of our staff and volunteers when fundraising on behalf of Bat Conservation Trust.

A fundraising complaint is not:

  • A general query about our work.
  • A request to amend our records e.g. to amend contact details, cancel or amend a donation.
  • A request to amend a supporter’s contact preferences.

Please download this file for more detailed information about our Complaints Procedure.