Our work in Wales is contributed to by a number of people and projects
We are working directly for bat conservation in Wales through two projects, Natur am Byth (Nature Forever) and Gobaith Coetir (Woodland Hope), which can be read about on the following pages.
We also work alongside Welsh Government, Natural Resources Wales and other environmental NGOs in Wales, including by being a member of the Wales Environment Link.
Alex Hall, our Wales Officer (Bat Groups), supports the 15 volunteer-led bat groups in their front line conservation work, through Wales-specific conferences, training opportunities, resources and funding for partner bat groups. Go here to find your local bat groups.
Ein gwaith yng Nghymru yn cael ei gyfrannu gan pobl a phrosiectau lluosog
Rydym yn gweithio dros ystlumod yng Nghymru drwy brosiect Natur am Byth, a Gobaith Coetir, mi allwch ddarllen amdanyn nhw ar y dudalennau nesaf.
Rydym hefyd yn gweithio รข Llywodraeth Cymru, Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru ac amgylcheddol NGOs yng Nghymru, gan gynnwys bod yn aelod o Cyswllt Amgylchedd Cymru.
Mae ein swyddog grwpiau ystlymod Abby Packham yn cefnogi pumtheg o grwpiau gwirfodoli ystlymod yn eu gwith.