The Bat Conservation Trust is proud to be a partner in the Nature and Wellbeing Act campaign
25th March 2015
Bat Conservation Trust is joining The Wildlife Trusts, the RSBP and many other partner conservation organisations to campaign for nature to be at the heart of government policy.
Sparrows Green Studio's bat scarf raised almost £700 for Bat Conservation Trust
25th March 2015
Sparrows Green Studio has raised £690 for the Bat Conservation Trust from the sales of its British hand drawn silk bat scarf, specially designed and produced for the charity.
Release of the latest Bat Crime Report 2013
6th February 2015
As the latest Bat Crime report being released today shows, the overall number of bat crime allegations referred to police from BCT in 2013 was 121, down by 13 cases from 2012. The majority of these crimes were as a result of building development activity, with damage being caused to roosts identified as the most frequent offence.
3rd February 2015
An opinion piece written by Matt W Ridley in The Times on Monday 26th of January entitled It's common sense: kill the rats, move the bats (view it on his website HERE) presented an ill-informed picture of the serious topic of bats in churches.
UPDATE - Bat Habitats Regulation Bill
19th January 2015
The Bat Habitats Regulation Bill sponsored by Christopher Chope MP had its second reading in the House of Commons on Friday 16th of January 2015. We are urging everyone who cares about bats to contact their MPs urgently.
Prosecution for crimes against bats in Humberside
19th January 2015
On 8th January 2015 Dr Anthony Flinn aged 56yrs of Wroot, Humberside appeared before Lincolnshire Magistrates Court where he pleaded not guilty to destroying a bat roost and a swallows nest at his home address. The court returned guilty verdicts and Dr Flinn was fined £500 for destroying the roost, ordered to pay £600 costs and to pay a victim surcharge of £50. He was fined £100 for destroying the swallows nest.
Bat Habitats Regulation Bill (England and Wales)
15th January 2015
We are aware of a private members bill (Bat Habitats Regulation Bill) sponsored by Mr Christopher Chope MP that will have its second reading in the House of Commons on Friday 16th January 2015. We believe that this bill is impractical and would be disastrous for bat populations.
Conviction for bat crime in Scotland
7th January 2015
First conviction for bat crime in Scotland for several years