Bats and Arboriculture – Scoping surveys for arborists

Bats and Arboriculture – Scoping surveys for arborists

Course accredited by Lantra

"Very good introduction to bats in relation to ecology, the law and tree use." Course participant, 2017

This Lantra-accredited course, developed by the Bat Conservation Trust and supported by the Arboricultural Association, will enable participants to carry out tree works with consideration for the potential effects on bats and their habitats.

This course is in line with the British Standard 8596 - Surveying for bats in trees and woodland.

Upcoming dates: 1st and 8th August - online, book here

To register your interest in upcoming in-person or online courses, email

For information on how we process your data, follow this link

Bats and Arboriculture – Scoping surveys for arborists

Supported by the Arboricultural Association (discount for members)

Course content includes:

  • Bat biology
  • Bat ecology
  • Bats and the law
  • Potential tree roost recognition
  • Where to go for help
  • Emergency procedures
  • Practical exercise - complete scoping survey of trees

Course aims:

  • Provide sufficient knowledge to carry out works with consideration of potential effects on bats/habitats
  • Ensure arborists are aware of the implications of legislation relevant bats/roosts
  • Describe and practice applying method for assessing bat potential trees, identifying any risk of roost destruction or bat disturbance and where necessary to seek assistance

Course objectives:

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Visually ID features that could be potential roosts
  • Summarise the life cycle of bats, understanding the best time of year to undertake tree works
  • Know when to contact bat specialists
  • Recognise the consequences of bat or roost disturbance or destruction

Course tutors: Richard Crompton, Richard Flight, Louise Mapstone, Sonia Reveley, Natalie Todman

Prior knowledge: None

CPD: The course counts towards Arboricultural Association CPD requirements and participants will receive a Lantra awards attendance certificate.

Please note this is a basic awareness course - it will not give participants the knowledge or skills to carry out full bat surveys.

Cost: In person (one full day): £210 with Lantra certificate or £175 with BCT certificate of attendance. The course contents and resources are the same for both options.

Online course (2 half days): £140 with Lantra certificate or £105 with BCT certificate of attendance. The course contents and resources are the same for both options.

Discounts: £5 discount for BCT or Arboricultural Association members, 10% multi-buy discount if booking 3 or more course places

Course formats:

  • Online course: 2 half-day sessions (usually 2 afternoons) held 1 week apart to allow time for the completion of course practical independently (undertaking scoping surveys from the ground of at least 2 trees). The results are discussed as part of the second session.
  • In person course: 1 full day of training, including time outside to complete scoping surveys of trees on site

This course is also available as an in-house course on request.

Next: Secondary Roost Surveys for Arborists - including endoscope use