Bats and Churches Partnership Project

Churches, as well as being treasured places of worship, are part of our cultural and physical landscape contributing to the nation’s understanding of its past and present, developing a sense of place. Churches are also important for bats and some have provided safe roosting sites for many generations.

Previous research estimates that at least 60% of pre-16th Century churches contain bat roosts and at least 8 species are known to use churches. The last century saw a dramatic decline in bat populations, largely due to loss of habitat. As a result bats are now protected by law.

Although bats often go unnoticed, some churches experience problems which restrict the use of the church and its maintenance.

Between 2019 and 2023, a partnership made up of Natural England, Church of England (Cathedral and Church Buildings Division), Historic England, Bat Conservation Trust and Churches Conservation Trust worked together to use the latest research to provide innovative solutions that support churches with bats.

Although the project has now ended, the National Bat Helpline continues to provide free advice to places of worship. The Bats in Churches Project website also continues to provide advice to churches needing support regarding bats.

Next: Living Alongside Bats in Churches Grant