Retained EU Law Bill – an update

Retained EU Law Bill – an update

19th May 2023

Recent changes to the Retained EU Law Bill

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NBMP Annual Report: Bats continue returning to the night skies

NBMP Annual Report: Bats continue returning to the night skies

18th May 2023

While several bat species remain at risk of extinction there is some good news announced today for some - but not all - of Britain’s bat species.

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Aberdare man fined for carrying out renovation work which impacted large bat roost

Aberdare man fined for carrying out renovation work which impacted large bat roost

12th May 2023

The building work, not in accordance with strict conditions provided by Natural Resources Wales within a European Protected Species Licence, will have impacted a large bat roost at the property.

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Sunset Survey: Join us and discover your local wildlife in the twilight zone

Sunset Survey: Join us and discover your local wildlife in the twilight zone

28th March 2023

Bat scientists are appealing to the public to join in this year’s Bat Conservation Trust Sunset Survey, which launches on April 1st.

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Tony Hutson  1944-2023

Tony Hutson 1944-2023

7th March 2023

We were extremely saddened to hear of the death of one of the founders of the Bat Conservation Trust, Tony Hutson, on the 16th February.

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Woodland Hope - Gobaith Coetir

Woodland Hope - Gobaith Coetir

9th February 2023

BCT is excited to announce a new two-year project to help some of Britain’s rarest bats and most precious woodlands in North Wales // Mae BCT yn gyffrous i gyhoeddi prosiect dwy flynedd newydd i helpu rhai o ystlumod mwyaf prin Prydain a choetiroedd mwyaf gwerthfawr Gogledd Cymru...

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Greater mouse-eared bat population doubles - to 2! “This is a hugely important discovery”

Greater mouse-eared bat population doubles - to 2! “This is a hugely important discovery”

20th January 2023

We are delighted to hear the good news that the population of Britain’s rarest mammal - the greater mouse-eared bat - has doubled from one known individual to two!

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Sad news about Bill Landells

Sad news about Bill Landells

3rd January 2023

Bat Conservation Trust was very sad to hear about the passing of Bill Landells in November

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Batty Laureate Awards 2022

Batty Laureate Awards 2022

22nd December 2022

The Batty Laureate competition was launched in 2021 as part of BatFest and BCT's 30th birthday. While a picture maybe worth a thousand words, well written words are still a powerful tool to engage and inspire people about bats as demonstrated by the Batty Laureates for 2022.

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