Case studies
Barn Conversion, Macclesfield (original case study requiring update)
Refurbishment project for disused barn hosting roosts for several species, including Natterer's bat, common pipistrelle, soprano pipistrelle and brown long-eared bat.
Barn in Chester (original case study requiring update)
Conversion of barn (formerly a storage area for a farm) to residential dwelling. This involved removing day roosts for common pipistrelle and brown long-eared bat. A bat barn was provided as compensation.
Bat Tower at Ravenglass Railway. Cumbria (original case study requiring update)
A new 'bat tower' was constructed at Dalegarth Station, Eskdale Valley, Cumbria. This replaced an old station building, which was in a poor condition and obsolete. The old station building was scheduled for demolition to make space for the creation of a disabled access ramp to the platform.
Beechwood Bat Hibernacula (original case study requiring update)
Development of care bungalows at a disused site of a former social club. After lesser horseshoe bats were identified using the abandoned social club, compensation measures were integrated into the new care buildings.
Brick Kiln Bat Hibernaculum (original case study requiring update)
Redevelopment of the derelict Bispham Hall Brickworks site to housing.
Conversion of redundant barn in Carmarthenshire
Prior to the conversion of a redundant barn into an office / workshop, bat surveys recorded low numbers of common pipistrelle bats emerge from the roof. A EPS licence was therefore obtained for removing the roosts but incorporating similar features into the renovated building. Post-development monitoring surveys recorded a common pipistrelle maternity colony using the new provisions.