Environmental targets consultation

15th June 2022

Bat Conservation Trust has responded to Defra’s environmental targets consultation and would encourage others to respond.

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Local variations in fortunes of common pipistrelle – emerging patterns

Local variations in fortunes of common pipistrelle – emerging patterns

27th May 2022

Early reviews of localised patterns for common pipistrelle suggest the picture is more complicated than it would at first seem. More work is required to delve into the matter of regional and local variability, but a first analysis throws up a map for England where there are surprisingly widespread areas where the data suggest declining populations.

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Updated guidance for use of night vision aids for bat surveys

Updated guidance for use of night vision aids for bat surveys

24th May 2022

New interim guidance note about the role of night vision aids for professional bat roost emergence surveys.

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Britain’s bats edging towards recovery

Britain’s bats edging towards recovery

19th May 2022

Good news from the darkness today - some of Britain’s bat species are edging towards recovery.

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This Earth Day you can have twice the impact

This Earth Day you can have twice the impact

7th April 2022

Earth Day 2022 is on the 22nd of April and this year’s theme is “Invest in Our Planet”.

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Wildlife Crime Prosecution in Wales

Wildlife Crime Prosecution in Wales

16th March 2022

Natural Resources Wales successfully prosecuted two developers from the Merthyr Tydfil area in March 2022

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Crime and Policing Bill - impact on environmental protest

Crime and Policing Bill - impact on environmental protest

25th February 2022

The Bat Conservation Trust is among 32 signatories urging MPs in the House of Commons to back amendments in the House of Lords that would remove powers to curtail protest from the government’s police and crime bill.

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National Bat Conference - Reappearing in 2022!

National Bat Conference - Reappearing in 2022!

23rd February 2022

The National Bat Conference may have disappeared in person for the last couple of years, but it is back for 2022!

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