A world rich in wildlife where bats and people thrive together
10th October 2022
In August we launched an 'URGENT call for help campaign' asking for your help to demand that government maintain the legal protection for bats. Here is an update.

Joint route map launched to boost ethnic diversity in the environment sector
5th October 2022
Bat Conservation Trust is one of 42 organisations committed to delivering key actions between 2023-2027

Open letter to PM on environmental deregulation
4th October 2022
Bat Conservation Trust is one of 78 organisations who have joined together to write an open letter to the Prime Minister raising our concern about the trajectory the government is taking and urging her to stop environmental deregulation which will harm people, planet and economy.

Roost Awards 2023 - submissions open
1st October 2022
Submissions for the 2023 Awards are now open until 1st March 2023

A broken government pledge to the next generation
28th September 2022

John Andrew Burton 1944 - 2022
6th September 2022
John Burton, one of the most influential figures in conservation in the UK and pivotal in establishing the Bat Conservation Trust, died at his home in Suffolk on 22 May 2022.

URGENT call for help – the laws protecting bats are under threat again
24th August 2022
We need your help to make sure that the new prime minister and the government understand why removing the protection of the Habitats Regulations would be disastrous for bats and other wildlife.

BatFest 2022 programme announced
18th August 2022
It’s nearly BatFest time - the Bat Conservation Trust’s month-long celebrations, with a host of events for all ages and abilities.

Developer fined £7,400 for ignoring bat protection law
12th August 2022
Two directors for a housing developer have been prosecuted and fined £7,400 for renovating a former primary school in Monmouthshire without taking bats into account - on an estate that’s named after bats.