BCT concerned over Defra's proposed new guidance 'Bats; complying with the law'
12th September 2013
BCT is investigating inadequate penalties for bat crime
11th September 2013
New BCT book on Designing buildings with wildlife in mind is out now
4th September 2013

Saturday is International Bat Night
21st August 2013
Are UK bats immune to White-Nose Syndrome which is killing millions of North American bats?
8th August 2013
Geomyces destructans, the fungus associated with the deaths of over 5.7 million bats in North America since 2006, has been found in the UK for the first time.
One of Britain's rarest mammals needs greater protection
5th August 2013
New research shows just 1000 grey long-eared bats remain in the UK and numbers are declining.
New farming technology strategy needs to work with nature
22nd July 2013
Police Scotland investigate death of 12 bats
16th July 2013