4th September 2013
Designing for Biodiversity: A technical guide for new and existing buildings
The new book from BCT looks at providing solutions and ideas for architects and designers when it comes to working in harmony with nature.
Finding ways to design and build-in spaces for wildlife in buildings is becoming critical. New standards require buildings to be more insulated and air-tight, removing the nooks and crannies usually used by building-reliant birds and bats. There are, however, many options to build-in spaces for biodiversity whilst still maintaining air-tightness of a building.
BCT's new book, called 'Designing for biodiversity: A technical guide for new and existing buildings' (RIBA Publishing 2013) explores the latest information, techniques and products available.
Importantly, it builds on a previous publication, and now includes new sections that give a wider and more holistic approach. These are on improving biodiversity at the wider development level, and enhancement for biodiversity when considering the refurbishment of our existing housing stock.
This book demonstrates that, if done sensitively, the development and refurbishment of buildings can, in fact, increase the ecological value of a site.
Read more about the bookThis book, although driven by the Bat Conservation Trust, has had extensive input from the RSPB, Swift Conservation, Action for Swifts, Barn Owl Trust and Buglife.
Designing for Biodiversity is a must for all architects, developers, building control officers, consultant ecologists - in fact all of those involved in low and zero carbon buildings - who can and want to design, construct and upgrade buildings for low carbon but also accommodate biodiversity.
It is out now (published September 2013) and is available from www.ribabookshops.com
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