Become a Corporate Member

Corporate membership

Hugh Clark

Joining the Bat Conservation Trust’s (BCT) Corporate Membership scheme is an ideal way of demonstrating your company’s commitment to conserving bats and protecting our natural environment.

The Bat Conservation Trust is the only UK organisation solely devoted to conserving bats and their habitats. We have 17 species of bats in the UK, all of which have suffered severe declines in recent years. Bats are an important part of our natural heritage and are indicators of a green and healthy environment. With your commitment and our expertise, your Corporate Membership will help to protect the UK's diverse range of wildlife and habitats, and ensure bats are around for future generations to enjoy.

There are a number of ways your organisation can support us, depending on the level of involvement you wish to have. Download and share our corporate leaflet available HERE.

Corporate Membership Benefits

As a Corporate Member of the Bat Conservation Trust, you will receive:

  • Discounts on BCT training courses and conferences
  • Discounts on BCT's extensive bat photo library
  • Priority opportunities for sponsorship
  • Opportunities for your staff to participate in bat conservation
  • Multiple subscriptions to Bat News, BCT's members' magazine
  • A membership certificate, signed by our president Chris Packham
  • Acknowledgement in the Annual Review, Bat News, BCT website and other social media
  • The knowledge that you are helping to save bats

The Annual Corporate Membership subscription is £400.

For a full list of projects currently offering Corporate Sponsorship opportunities, please contact: Eleanor on 020 7820 7181 or