UK Bat Care Network members should be aware of the following policies and procedures:
- National Bat Helpline rabies enquiry procedures
- National Bat Helpline call handling procedure
- UK Bat Care Network data handling policy
- Minimum Standards for carers on the bat care network
- The Animal Welfare Act 2006 - What it means for wildlife
News about Network policies and procedures is regularly published on the Bat Care Bulletin blog under the category Network Admin. The blog also reports the National Bat Helpline's monthly statistics for bat care calls. If you volunteer with a Network-registered regional helpline or wildlife hospital, please ask your co-ordinator for the blog password. If you’re a Network member under your own name but have lost your password, please contact the Bat Care Network Co-Ordinator on
Registration forms
If you'd like to work with an ambulance driver, set up a regional helpline or wildlife hospital, or register a veterinary practice on the Network, please complete the relevant form and email it to
Bat Finders' Survey
BCT sends a survey to everyone who contacts us about a grounded or injured bat and gives us permission to follow up. The results really show what a huge difference care volunteers' work makes, not just to bats but to humans! The most recent results were released in December 2020; you can watch a short video about them below, or download a more detailed PDF summary.