The National Bat Care Conference is held approximately every two to three years and is a great opportunity to meet fellow bat carers around the UK and beyond, as well as to increase and share your knowledge with our fascinating talks and workshops!
The most recent conference was held in February 2020 and featured a number of interesting discussions, including an early peek at the results of our Bat Finder Survey, which has shown just how much difference carers' work makes to public attitudes.
Materials from selected presentations and workshops from the previous conference, in 2018, can be downloaded here:
- Observations to help increase success reuniting bat pups with their monthers (Kit Wood)
- Solving the problem of lost babies (Kit Wood)
- Mapping the development of baby bats (Maggie Brown)
- A brief guide to bat ectoparasites (David Dodds)
- Bat species identification for bat carers (Gail Armstrong)
- Bat care for complete beginners (Bridget Parslow)
- The value of enrichment (Naomi Webster)
- Bats and the law for carers (Lisa Worledge)
- The WWF Wildlife Rescue Centre of Valepredina, Italy (Anna Maria Gibellini)
- What can the numbers tell us about bats? (Tricia Scott)
Please keep an eye on our events section for details of the next conference!
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