Further Bats and Woodland Reading
Further information about considering bats as part of woodland management:
- Woodland Management for Bats, (2005) published by the Forestry Commission for England and Wales in partnership with BCT, CCW and English Nature (Natural England).
- Woodland management advice for Bechstein's bat and barbastelle bat (ENRR658), (2005) Greenaway, F & Hill, D on behalf of English Nature (Natural England).
- Bechstein's bat: An introduction for woodland owners (2013)published by the Bat Conservation Trust.
- Guidance on managing woodlands for bats in England, (2013) published by Forest research, Forestry Commission and Natural England.
- European Protected Species in Woodlands - A Field Guide 2020, (2020) published by Forestry Commission.
- Forest operations and bats in Scotland, (2009) published by Forestry Commission Scotland and Scottish Natural Heritage.
- Woodland management in the presence of bat species, (Wales) produced by Forest Research, Forestry Commission Wales and CFS, Welsh Assembly Government and Countryside Council for Wales (now Natural Resources Wales).
- How to manage your hedge for bats, published by Hedgelink UK.