New research on viruses in British bat species
27th June 2023
A new scientific paper titled Genomic screening of 16 UK native bat species through conservationist networks uncovers coronaviruses with zoonotic potential, using new research methods, was published in Nature Communications today. Read BCT's thoughts here.
National Lottery pledges towards an ambitious £8m nature partnership
19th June 2023
Urgent action to save Wales’s most vulnerable wildlife is set to get underway this summer, thanks to the players of the National Lottery.
Wildlife protection needs to be enshrined in law - you can still help
16th June 2023
Retained EU Law Bill returns to the House of Lords on 20th June 2023; there is still time to speak up for bats
9th June 2023
We need your help! The Retained EU Law Bill returns to the House of Commons on Monday 12th June 2023. The decision made in Parliament could destroy wildlife protections - please join thousands of concerned voices and ask your MP to vote to AMEND the Retained EU Law Bill.
NBMP Annual Report: Bats continue returning to the night skies
18th May 2023
While several bat species remain at risk of extinction there is some good news announced today for some - but not all - of Britain’s bat species.
Aberdare man fined for carrying out renovation work which impacted large bat roost
12th May 2023
The building work, not in accordance with strict conditions provided by Natural Resources Wales within a European Protected Species Licence, will have impacted a large bat roost at the property.
Sunset Survey: Join us and discover your local wildlife in the twilight zone
28th March 2023
Bat scientists are appealing to the public to join in this year’s Bat Conservation Trust Sunset Survey, which launches on April 1st.
7th March 2023
We were extremely saddened to hear of the death of one of the founders of the Bat Conservation Trust, Tony Hutson, on the 16th February.