Raising your concerns
The first step to ensuring bats are taking into consideration would be to speak with those organising the event about the situation, and ensure they are aware of the places where bats are known to roost/ where bats have been seen to fly, and their distance from the intended event site. Perhaps they might consider moving the source of the disturbance further from the bats.
It is important that any potential impact on local wildlife is not overlooked and that relevant parties, involved in organising the event, are informed in cases where there is evidence that they could cause direct harm to bats. The law states that it is an offence to recklessly disturb any bat that is roosting. So if the person(s) responsible for the event is aware that their actions might disturb bats, but nevertheless carry on regardless, they are potentially committing an offence.
It is worth noting however, that if the activity is seen as something that cannot be reasonably avoided (i.e. they have taken reasonable measures to limit the potential impact of fireworks), then that can be used as a defence for instances where bats have been disturbed or harmed. The term, ‘reasonably avoided’, is obviously up to interpretation, and is likely to depend upon how and when the event is going ahead; whether if it is a large public event, or private usage for example.
If this approach is not successful you may need to submit a written objection to the local authority.