Cornwall Bat Group
Cornwall Bat Group does not have website, but does have a Facebook page.
For enquiries please see the below contact details:
For membership enquiries please contact
For events, talks and walks please contact
If you have found a grounded, ill or injured bat please call the National Bat Helpline number on 0345 1300 228.
If your enquiry is not covered by any of the above please contact
Cornwall Bat Group is a small voluntary group dedicated to the study and conservation of bats in Cornwall. We cannot get involved with any planning applications.
We are a Cornwall Wildlife Trust Local Group and have a partnership agreement with the Bat Conservation Trust.
The bat group was set up in 1983 as we recognised that we knew very little about bats, but we did know that roosts and bats were being damaged and destroyed. New legislation protecting bats and their roosts had recently become law, but government agencies had neither the manpower nor the knowledge to implement it effectively. All over the country, volunteer bat groups drove this forward by assisting and advising the Nature Conservancy Council and its successor bodies. Since then we have visited hundreds of bat roosts in Cornwall and protected thousands of bats.
We are always trying to raise the profile of bats through walks, talks, events and bat box schemes with various organisations and the general public.
Many species, including the nationally rare and uncommon horseshoe bats, roost underground in old mine workings. The bat group visits these during the winter to count the bats as part of the national bat monitoring programme. Emergence surveys are carried out during the summer months to monitor a variety of bat species. The bat group holds regular meetings and produces two newsletters a year. Membership of Cornwall Bat Group provides insurance cover if you attend any surveys.
It doesn't matter how much or how little bat knowledge you have, you can get involved in the bat group at whatever level you wish. You may want to be very active or be a supporter in the background. Any support is valued.