Proposed changes to the planning system – BCT consultation response
28th October 2020
We recognise the need for more affordable housing, but any reform of the planning system needs to be done in a way that is sensitive to the needs of local communities and avoids impacts on the environment and wildlife.
Planning reform – please speak up for bats
16th October 2020
BCT has joined forces with others to call for a halt to planning deregulation
Letter to Prime Minister - Planning for people and nature
23rd July 2020
Response to the Prime Ministers “Build, Build, Build” Speech
3rd July 2020
Like many others, we listened to the Prime Minister’s statement with great anticipation. As we build back from the current crisis, it is critical that we create a green recovery in order to avert the urgent and far bigger environmental crises of our time. Investing in a green recovery will bring huge benefits to people and wildlife alike.
The Time is NOW - Mass Virtual Lobby for a Green Recovery
25th June 2020
We want to make sure that whatever steps the government decided to take with the Environment Bill, it benefits people, the environment and wildlife, including of course bats. That is why we are asking you to join us in a second, virtual The Time is Now mass lobby of MPs on 30 June.
HS2 Phase One Construction Cause for Concern
12th June 2020
Reports we have been receiving about potential disturbance and damage to bat roosts in trees during the maternity season in Warwickshire woodlands (Kenilworth Sites) due to HS2 Phase One construction is a cause for concern for BCT
10th April 2020
The UN Agreement on the Conservation of Populations of European Bats (EUROBATS) along with two other UN Secretariats have made a joint statement of the facts about bats and COVID-19.