15th September 2023

Following the publication of Bat Surveys for Professional Ecologists Good Practice Guidelines 4th edition, BCT is setting up a working group to further develop guidelines for bat surveys with night vision aids, including thermal imaging and infrared cameras. The working group will attend a kick-off meeting in autumn 2023 and develop the guidelines through a series of meetings in late 2023 and 2024.

We have set up a public consultation here to collect information on current practices and desires/expectations from practitioners for new guidelines on this topic. The intended audience is anyone who works with night vision aids for bat surveys.

The survey will take around 10 minutes to complete.

The consultation will close on 31st October 2023.

Please contact Jan Collins on jcollins@bats.org.uk if you have extensive experience with both thermal imaging and infrared and would like to contribute to the production of the guidance.

BCT launches a public consultation on Bat Surveys with Night Vision Aids

Photo by Richard Crompton