13th July 2022

30 years and counting

In 1991, bat groups across the UK decided that bat conservation needed a national voice, and the Bat Conservation Trust was born.

To mark our 30th anniversary we held a series of events in 2021 and dedicated the summer edition of our membership magazine, Bat News, to this important moment. We have decided to make this issue freely available now so that everyone can see what has been achieved over the last three decades. The magazine can only capture a summary of the discoveries made, progress achieved, technological advances made and the enthusiasm that has driven the bat conservation movement, we hope you enjoy it.

We are all too aware of the many challenges bat conservation still faces in the UK and across the world but we also have reason to celebrate the promising signs that a few British bat species are showing signs of recovery at the national scale although we still have a long way to go before they recover from historical declines and we need to better understand regional variations.

None of what has been achieved would have been possible without the support of bat groups, volunteers, donors and members. Membership remains a great way to support bat conservation. By adding your voice to ours you are strengthening the message behind our vision of a world rich in wildlife where bats and people thrive together.

There are several membership types available. Bat News goes to all Individual, Benefactor, Family (you also get the Young Batworker), Corporate and Life members three times a year. Please join today and help us achieve even more going forward.