15th October 2021

The Bat Conservation Trust’s Annual Review, April 2020 - March 2021, is now published. It’s available here: www.bats.org.uk/the-trust/reports-financial-information/annual-reviews

The Annual Review highlights many achievements for bat conservation. This year we have redesigned and expanded the publication to provide extra space to share and celebrate more successes. We have also introduced a new Looking Ahead section highlighting some of our forthcoming projects.


Chris Packham CBE, BCT President.

Our President, Chris Packham CBE, said: “What an extraordinary year. So many of us have had to rethink how we continue with vital conservation work amid COVID-19 restrictions, and as a result the Bat Conservation Trust has seen innovation, incredible support, challenges, moved much more of its work online and delivered many of its achievements remotely, for the first time.

“Whilst the pandemic closed many doors it also prompted some new ones to open up, in how we confront challenges, work differently, share and connect with each other to keep conservation pushing forwards.

“This year has demonstrated how innovation can happen when we are catalysed to think differently. This might offer hope to all those who feel, like I do, that we can be more ambitious with how we confront a greener recovery for nature.

“And 2021 marks the 30th anniversary of the Bat Conservation Trust being set up. I am looking forward to BCT’s forthcoming celebrations to reflect on all the achievements for bat conservation during that period, and cheering on the next 30 years as we strive for a wildlife richer future.”