19th February 2020

BCT’s Bat Surveys for Professional Ecologists – Good Practice Guidelines Consultation

We are beginning to plan for the 4th edition of the “Bat Surveys for Professional Ecologists – Good Practice Guidelines” with a view to publishing it in spring 2021. If you have used the 3rd edition, we want to get feedback from you in terms of what worked well, what could be improved and suggestions of new areas you think we should cover. To this end we want to hear which chapters/sections require updating, suggestions for new chapters/sections and any new relevant research.

You can download a PDF of the 3rd Edition Bat Surveys for Professional Ecologists here.

We would like to invite you to submit your comments via a Microsoft form, which can be found here. Please submit an individual form for each section of the guidelines that you would like to comment on - we won’t be able to accept/consider comments in other formats. You will see that Question 3 asks about the format of the 4th edition – you need only answer this question on one of your forms.

Updating the guidelines is quite a task and we would ask that you only complete a form/forms if you would like to offer evidence-based suggestions or improvements. Feel free to add links (e.g. to online papers/documents) into the relevant section of the form or send any relevant papers/other evidence to Jan Collins at jcollins@bats.org.uk.

We may need to contact you regarding your feedback and will do so via email if necessary. Name and email address are mandatory options in the form so by completing a form you are giving consent for us to use your personal data for this purpose alone and to retain this information until the guidelines are published, at which point we will delete the information. Please see our Privacy Policy here.

Please complete all forms by 15th April – your time and feedback is very much appreciated.

We will be looking for sponsorship for the 4th edition later this year. The opportunity with be opened up to BCT corporate members initially. If there are still sponsorship opportunities available we will approach a broader audience, if you are not a corporate member and would like to receive information about this if/when it becomes available please email Dr Joe Nunez-Mino (Director of Communications and Fundraising) on jnunez-mino@bats.org.uk.

For any queries about this consultation please contact Jan Collins, BCT's Head of Biodiversity at jcollins@bats.org.uk.