8th August 2017
The efficacy of bat roost mitigation in maintaining bat populations is a major evidence gap in the world of bat conservation. We still don't understand whether measures being applied are achieving their aims of compensating for the impact of roost destruction or disturbance on bats (e.g. by providing alternative roost after destruction of an existing one) or maintaining/enhancing bat habitat post disturbance.
In January 2017, as a first step to addressing the lack of evidence in this area (by encouraging monitoring and the sharing of good practice), Bat Conservation Trust's Built Environment team ran a Mitigation Case Studies Forum hosted by ARUP in London. A wide range of topics were covered including bat mitigation relating to residential and public buildings, other structures and road infrastructure projects. International bat roost mitigation work was also covered with case studies from the Netherlands. The forum ended with a discussion on research and initiatives already underway. Forum participants were encouraged to actively contribute throughout the day through a process of live questionnaires answered on their phones, or 'live-polling'.
The case study abstracts and live polling results have been compiled in a proceedings document, the publication of this document was thanks to sponsorship by Wildlife Acoustics. The proceedings are available to download for free by CLICKING HERE.
The Mitigation Case Studies Forum was delivered as part of the Bearing Witness for Wildlife Bat Roost Mitigation Project, an Esmé Fairbairn funded project. The aim is to collect evidence on the implementation and efficacy of bat roost mitigation and compensation which can then be used to update industry guidance.
The project will also deliver a new 'Roost' website of bat roost mitigation case studies and an associated 'Roost' award for good bat roost mitigation practice.
Further information
To donate to Bat Conservation Trust: http://www.bats.org.uk/pages/donate.html
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