2nd January 2014

Is 2014 the year you go Batty? Help out Britain's most misunderstood mammals as they face continued threats to habitat, food and wellbeing.

This year will see stories on habitat loss: HS2 rail route for example. It will show threats posed to bats by the way we live, research on roofing membranes and wind farms will be published.

It's a tough time to be a bat and we need all the help we can to secure their future. There are some seriously fun ways to get involved... Join the Bat Conservation Colony and help Bat Conservation Trust in 2014!

Easy ways to get involved:

Make space for nature, leave some of your garden wild, build a water feature, plant local meadow flowers attract insects and the bats will come looking!

Leave dark spaces and pop up bat boxes in the right places (facing the sun, at least 2 metres up and unobstructed by branches etc)

Do a bat survey Spend a magical evening or a morning during the summer counting bats as they leave their roosts and take part in a bat survey - click here for the details

Become and Out Of Hours Phone Volunteer - during the summer we need volunteers to pick up the phone to the emergency bat care calls we receive! It's a great way to help and not too onerous -Read a blog by one of our OOH volunteers by clicking here.

Join a bat group for more practical bat-activities and get to know your local colonies, work with roost owners, learn more and go out on bat walks. Find your local bat group by clicking here.

Put the fun into fundraising: we have a heap of opportunities for fundraising and are looking to recruit volunteers who will put on events, help us extend our presence at shows, fayres, Halloween parties and the like. Could this be you? Events we hope to be at include The Gardeners World Live exhibition and volunteers can get tickets to spend time as a visitor before or after they help out on the stall! Get in touch with amcloughlin@bats.org.uk if you want to know more.