It isn't always easy to tell if bats are roosting. Some householders have shared their property with bats for years, and not been aware of their presence. Discover where bats might be roosting in your property.
Bat droppings
Bat droppings look very similar to rodent droppings but are dry and will crumble to dust under very little pressure. If you notice any droppings in the loft space or externally, check them with a quick crumble test (with gloves or a tissue).
Emergence survey
Another way to identify bats is to perform what we call emergence surveys during the summer months (May-September) when bats are active. Watch the building at dusk to see if any bats emerge. Find out how you can survey bats for the National Bat Monitoring Programme.
Bat chattering
Another clue is the chattering sound that bats make at dusk before they fly out to feed. In July and August they are particularly vocal around dawn, when hungry babies call to mothers as they return from their night's insect hunting.