All questions about Natural England licensing should be asked of the Natural England licensing team (see contact details below).

For other parts of the British Islands please refer to your relevant Statutory Nature Conservation Organisation (SNCO). Links are provided here for NatureScot, Natural Resources Wales, and Northern Ireland Environment Agency licensing pages.

For more information about training for bat licences in the UK, see the BCT training pages.

Class licences and returns

The class licence documents are re-issued for 1 January each year and made available via the publications section of the GOV.UK website (enter the keywords 'bat class licence' in the 'contains' search box).

Annual returns are all due by the end of November. Returns cover the period 1 November to 31 October. Under the class licensing system all registered persons have the same reporting deadline.

There are separate class licences for Volunteer Bat Roost Visitors and all other bat survey work (both voluntary and professional).

The above deadlines apply to both the VBRV annual report and survey class licences report. These report forms are used to renew your registration.

Contacts for licensing queries

Natural England licensing useful links

Training for VBRVs and new VBRV Trainers

For information about becoming a Volunteer Bat Roost Visitor (VBRV) with Natural England please see the Natural England volunteering pages on the GOV.UK website. The VBRV Training Syllabus sets out all of the subjects and skills that trainees will be expected to learn and develop before they get signed-off for their VBRV licence.

If you are already a VBRV and are interested in finding out how to become a VBRV trainer please see the BCT training web pages.

Contacts for VBRV (non-licensing) queries

Please note that the teams work to a standard ten-day response time. For relevant contact names and and telephone numbers please refer to the latest edition of The Batline*, Natural England's newsletter for bat volunteers.

Useful licensing and Natural England volunteering documents and web links

*Please note these pages have not been transferred to GOV.UK (Natural England licensing and most of the bat related pages were transferred to the GOV.UK website in October 2014) and remain on an archived site as static pages.