
Project description
Former stable to be demolished and replaced with a new replacement stable block. Bat boxes and bat barn used as compensation for the removal of Pipistrellus sp day roosts.
Ecologist’s name and contact details
Ecology Services UK Ltd
Planning authority
Vale Royal Borough Council
Brief site description
Former stable block within large, mature, private garden and parkland estate. Landscape features included pasture, mature broadleaved trees, ponds and broadleaved woodland.

Pre-works roost structure

Type of structure
Agricultural Building
Not In Use
Approx. age
30 years
Main construction material of walls
Roof design
Pitched Roof
Roof material
Internal roof structure
Timber Frame

Pre-works roost description

Common pipistrelle
Number of bats max count
Type of roost
Day Roost
Evidence of bats
Droppings Visual
Roost location
Behind Wooden Cladding
Aspect of roost
Height of roost entrance (m)
Roost material(s)
  • brickwork
  • Timber
Nearest commuting feature
Distance to nearest commuting feature (m)
Not reported

Proposed works

Description of works
Former stable to be demolished and replaced with a new replacement stable block.
Type of impact upon the roost
Long-Term Roost Modification and Roost Loss

Proposed mitigations

Type of mitigation
Specific technical detail of measure
6 x bespoke bat boxes and separate timber stable outbuilding.
Size: Box height: 800mm Box; width: 450mm; Box depth (back to front): 150mm; width of crevices 20mm.
New stable approx 30m x 10m
Materials: Boxes = marine plywood, new stable = European oak boards.
Roost location
Bat Box
Aspect of roost
Height of roost entrance (m)
Not reported
Roost material(s)
  • Timber
Nearest commuting feature
Distance to nearest commuting feature (m)
Not reported

Actual mitigations implemented

Type of mitigation
Specific technical detail of measure
6 x bespoke bat boxes and separate timber stable outbuilding.
Size: Box height: 800mm Box; width: 450mm; Box depth (back to front): 150mm; width of crevices 20mm.
New stable approx 30m x 10m
Materials: Boxes = marine plywood, new stable = European oak boards.
Roost location
Under Fascia Boards
Aspect of roost
Height of roost entrance (m)
Not reported
Roost material(s)
  • Wooden Boarding
Nearest commuting feature
Distance to nearest commuting feature (m)
Not reported

Monitoring data

Length of monitoring proposed
Not reported
Frequency of monitoring
Not reported
Type of monitoring
Roost Inspection
Date and time
4th July 2011
Evidence recorded
Bats and bat droppings found during and after the development. Maximum of 8 pipistrelles found at any one time in the group of 6 bat houses. Bats occupying the bat houses in all seasons of the year. All bat houses used at some time during the monitoring. Bat droppings found on the outside of the new stable.
Interventions made
None reported

Final details