
Project description
Re-roofing and conversion project for old barn. Due to the presence of several bat species using the internal timber joists, a proportion these were retained and protected as part of a new bat loft.
Ecologist’s name and contact details
RSK Carter
Planning authority
Canterbury city council
Brief site description
Old timber / brick barn on estate land with grazing, arable habitats close to river.

Pre-works roost structure

Type of structure
Agricultural Building
Not In Use
Approx. age
Main construction material of walls
Roof design
Pitched Roof
Roof material
Clay Tiled
Internal roof structure
Timber Frame

Pre-works roost description

Natterer’s bat
Number of bats max count
Type of roost
Maternity Roost
Evidence of bats
Bats Recorded Emerging/Re-entering
Roost location
Roof Timbers
Aspect of roost
Height of roost entrance (m)
Roost material(s)
  • timberRoofFrame
Nearest commuting feature
Distance to nearest commuting feature (m)
Not reported

Proposed works

Description of works
Re-roofing and conversion project for old barn. Only half of the barn was converted to a dwelling. The remainder was left untouched for storage and the loft area left accessible to bats and open to the rest of barn. Some bat boxes were also added, as well as an additional funnel type exit over the house door.
Type of impact upon the roost
Long-Term Roost Modification and Roost Loss

Proposed mitigations

Type of mitigation
Specific technical detail of measure
Only half of the barn was converted to a dwelling. The remainder was left untouched for storage and the loft area left accessible to bats and open to the rest of barn. Some bat boxes were also added, as well as an additional funnel type exit over the house door.
Roost location
In Roof Void
Aspect of roost
Height of roost entrance (m)
Not reported
Roost material(s)
  • Timber Roof Frame
Nearest commuting feature
Distance to nearest commuting feature (m)
Not reported

Actual mitigations implemented

Type of mitigation
Specific technical detail of measure
Only half of the barn was converted to a dwelling. The remainder was left untouched for storage and the loft area left accessible to bats and open to the rest of barn. Some bat boxes were also added, as well as an additional funnel type exit over the house door.
Roost location
In Roof Void
Aspect of roost
Height of roost entrance (m)
Not reported
Roost material(s)
  • Timber Roof Frame
Nearest commuting feature
Distance to nearest commuting feature (m)
Not reported

Monitoring data

Length of monitoring proposed
Checked by bat group 2003 - 2006, using bat detectors and recordings
Frequency of monitoring
Every summer
Type of monitoring
Dusk and Dawn Survey
Date and time
1st July 2002
Evidence recorded
Not reported
Interventions made
None reported

Final details