A sad goodbye to our former president David Bellamy
13th December 2019

New guide for Planners on Biodiversity in Planning
15th November 2019
In the face of growing street protests and alarming news reports about global species decline, what can planning authorities do to address the biodiversity crisis? A new RTPI Practice Advice Note aims to help...

Vote now to help us receive £100k
1st November 2019
Bat Conservation Trust has been selected to compete to win £100K donation from Animal Friends Pet Insurance.

Invitation to tender for the Bats in Churches project evaluation
31st October 2019
We are seeking an evaluator for a exciting and innovative project. Can you help?

Blocking of potential roost features in trees
30th October 2019
BCT has become concerned at reports of potential roost features (PRFs) in trees being blocked in advance of non-forestry operations to remove trees. This could have an adverse impact on bats.

18th October 2019

Man sentenced for destroying a bat roost in Shaftesbury
16th October 2019
Bournemouth Crown Court sentenced and imposed a Proceeds of Crime Act confiscation order for the destruction of a Natterer's bat roost

Best Parliamentary Champion 2019 - Helen Hayes MP
15th October 2019
Best Parliamentary MP Species Champion 2019 was awarded to Helen Hayes MP as species champion for the common pipistrelle.

Greater horseshoe bat rediscovered in Kent
4th October 2019
We are excited to announce that the rare greater horseshoe bat has recently been recorded in Kent for the first time in over 100 years