COVID-19 advice for NBMP volunteers

National Bat Monitoring Programme

COVID-19 and Bats

Bats and human health

COVID-19 and Bats

Bats and health

Facts About Bats & COVID-19


The UN Agreement on the Conservation of Populations of European Bats (EUROBATS) along with two other UN Secretariats have made a joint statement of the facts about bats and COVID-19.

10th April 2020

Hibernation Survey COVID-19 guidance

COVID-19 advice for NBMP volunteers

National Nathusius' Pipistrelle Survey COVID-19 guidance

COVID-19 advice for NBMP volunteers

BCT Response to IUCN COVID-19 Recommendations for Bat Field Workers


On 12th April the IUCN Bat Specialist Group issued recommendations relating to bat fieldwork and COVID-19.ling bats or entering roosts was involved. UPDATED 02/06/20 with link to Natural England guidance.

16th April 2020

IUCN Bat Specialist Group recommended strategy for bat researchers during COVID-19 pandemic


We don’t yet know whether humans can pass SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) to wild animals but wildlife researchers are being asked to take appropriate precautions until scientists understand more about transmission risks from humans to other animals [updated 22/07/20 with MAP Decision Tree].

30th June 2020

What have bats ever done for us?


The potential association of COVID-19 with bats has led to some very wild claims in the media.

25th February 2020