British Islands Bats

British Islands Bats is an online journal for publishing the results of bat work across the British Islands (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Channel Islands, and Isle of Man). It evolved from two earlier journals, no longer in production, Scottish Bats and Northern Bats.

Its principal aim is to publish an annual on-line journal, recording information about bats and bat work across the British Islands thereby providing a forum for information that might not otherwise be published, from full-length papers to brief notes on items of interest. British Islands Bats will be wholly reliant on contributions from bat groups, other bat workers and students.

Volume Four is available (along with past volumes - see below) (PDF file size 12 MB). Tina Wiffen and Lisa Worledge (editors of British Islands Bats) are grateful for all of the articles received for the fourth edition.

For future editions they welcome contributions on any bat related projects across the British Islands. Please read the Notes for Contributors document and the House Style Guide before submitting anything. There is also a Microsoft Word template available for contributors to use, please email Tina and Lisa for a copy.

Tina and Lisa are grateful to the Bat Conservation Trust (BCT) for agreeing to host this page and the future volumes of British Islands Bats but please note the publication is independent of BCT.

If you have any questions about the journal or would like to enquire about submitting an article please email Tina and Lisa. For any questions about published articles, please contact the relevant author (the email address for the corresponding author is provided at the start of each article).

British Islands Bats Volume Four 2023 (PDF file size 12 MB)

British Islands Bats Volume Three 2022 (PDF file size 7 MB)

British Islands Bats Volume Two 2021 (PDF file size 11 MB)

British Islands Bats Volume One 2020 (PDF file size 6 MB)