Bespoke in-house Courses
Most of our courses are available as in-house training. This can be particularly cost effective if you have a number of staff to train as it can bring down the cost per head and stretch your training budget further. An in-house course is often more convenient in terms of location and date for your staff as these can be selected to suit your needs.
For an in-house booking, we ask that the client provides:
- A suitable venue with seating and desk space for the relevant number of students (classroom or boardroom set up generally works best) and a projector and screen to show a powerpoint presentation.
- For courses with a practical element we will also ask that there is access to a suitable outside space e.g. woodland with a variety of trees for the Scoping Surveys for Arborists course or a suitable bridge for surveying for the Bats for Bridge and Tunnel Engineers course.
- Refreshments and lunch for the tutor and/or participants
We provide the tutor(s), copies of the course resources for each participant, a certificate of attendance for each participant and any equipment that is required for demonstration or use within the training. Participants are welcome to bring their own equipment to use where appropriate.
Pricing varies per course and we advise contacting the Training team for a quote.