Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some frequently asked questions and links to some answers. If you can't find the information you want, contact the Training team with your question.
I want to train as a professional ecologist - what do I need to do?
I want to get a bat licence - how do I go about it?
How do I become a roost visitor?
Our bat group would like to host an NBMP workshop - what should I do?
Are there any courses for pest controllers?
What is the difference in the pricing options for the scoping surveys for arborists
A. The course contents and resources are the same for both options. On completion of the course you can either receive a certificate from Lantra or from BCT. To receive the certificate from Lantra, they charge £25.50 per person which is included in the price. Alternatively you can complete the same course and receive a certificate of attendance from BCT which does not require the additional fee to Lantra.
Covid-19 implications for BCT events
We are reviewing our events on a case by case basis in light of the evolving situation around the coronavirus outbreak. If you have any questions about a specific event, please contact the Training and Conferences Manager.
Further advice