Bats for Building Professionals

Are you ready to learn how to work alongside bats in buildings?

Upcoming dates: Coming soon

About our 'Bats for Building Professionals' course:

An image containing the key details of our ‘Bats for heritage professionals’ course. No prior knowledge needed. Approx. 7 hours to complete (two online half-day sessions across two weeks). Price is £105 (BCT members receive a discount). CPD certificate upon completion (for those who attend the sessions live).

You want to work on a building that is home to a colony of bats. Navigating the legal protections surrounding bats and their roosts in buildings can be tricky, that's why our built environment experts have developed this course.

We will help you to develop skills to identify potential bat roosts and the confidence to know how to proceed in difficult scenarios you may encounter. Our experts will walk you through bat ecology and bat life cycles, and how this relates to building works, and the latest guidance and legal information that building professionals need to know when working alongside bats.

This course is open to anyone, but designed to be particularly beneficial to those working in the construction industry. Including builders, surveyors, architects, pest controllers and more.

'Bats for Building Professionals' course content:

Our course is approved by CITB and eligible for a Tier 1 Grant - more information. It is also suitable as RIBA CPD.

This course is usually run online. The online course takes place over 2 afternoons with a practical task to complete between the sessions. The online workshops are live and interactive on Zoom with lots of opportunities to ask questions.


  • Bat biology and ecology
  • Bats in buildings: where, when, which bats, evidence of bats
  • Taking account of bats
  • Best practice and case studies

CPD: A Certificate of Attendance will be awarded that can be used as evidence for CPD.

Pricing: £105 - online

Discounts: £5 for BCT members, 10% multi-buy discount if booking 3 or more course places

For information on how we process your data, follow this link.

Why us?

The Bat Conservation Trust is the leading bat charity in the UK. Our courses are designed by our team of passionate bat experts who work hard to protect bats year-round. With every person we train we get one step closer to achieving our goal: a world where people and wildlife can thrive together.

Email to register your interest in future dates or if you have any questions.

Looking for more specific training?

We now offer specific iterations of the course for particular roles/professions within the construction industry including:

Keep an eye on our Events & Training page for details about these courses.

Next: Bats for Heritage Professionals