World Health Day 2020 - Ban Wildlife Trade
6th April 2020
We have joined with 240 other organisations from around the globe to call for the World Health Organisation (WHO) to recommend that governments worldwide ban wildlife markets and the use of wildlife in traditional medicine.
Bat Conservation Trust – we are still open and here to support
19th March 2020
Understandably in these uncertain times we are all facing a variety of challenges and we want you to know that our bat conservation work will continue, although there will need to be some changes to the way we work.

UPDATE: Proposed Bill threatens the conservation of British bats
16th March 2020

BCT Trustee awarded ‘Highly Commended’ for bat photo
13th March 2020
A photo submitted by one of our Trustee’s to the Mammal Society’s Mammal Photographer of the Year competition has been Highly Commended by the judges

What have bats ever done for us?
25th February 2020
The potential association of COVID-19 with bats has led to some very wild claims in the media.

BCT’s Bat Surveys for Professional Ecologists – Good Practice Guidelines Consultation
19th February 2020
BCT is initiating a consultation regarding Bat Surveys for Professional Ecologists – Good Practice Guidelines, with a view to updating this document and publishing the 4th edition in spring 2021

BCT is supporting a call to close wildlife markets
12th February 2020
Bat Conservation Trust has joined with 207 organisations and individuals to strongly encourage governments across the world to introduce and enforce legislation to close wildlife markets, particularly those at which trade in live animals is commonplace, and to introduce mechanisms designed to significantly and demonstrably reduce demand for live wild animals and products derived from them.

Lesser horseshoe bat found in the Isle of Man
7th February 2020
The Manx Bat Group is very excited to announce that it has recently recorded the presence of lesser horseshoe bats in the island

31st January 2020
The basic underlying legislation, that we have relied on, remains in place.