20th April 2017

In several recent publications it has been reported that different species of pipistrelles (Pipistrellus genus) have a difference in their wing venation. Whilst a large percentage of each species have the 'typical' venation: others do not. The question is why?

This is an interesting question which Oliver Lindecke, a PhD student from Germany, is looking into to see if any answers can be found. Oliver started this investigation as bat worker long before his current PhD research.

Oliver is requesting that if any pipistrelles are captured this year in the UK, in addition to the normal biometric data collected, would bat workers and bat carers please record the wing pattern and send him the details.

The information Oliver is after, the wing patterns and further details are available in a PDF document.

Oliver encourages bat workers and bat carers to record this information because it may highlight the degree of variation already observed in several mainland Europe populations. If anyone captures Kuhl's Pipistrelle please also note venation. Oliver is happy to compare the data and give feedback to anyone who wants to share wing cell records with him.

Please send your records (following the guidance provided) to Oliver Lindecke (or you can post them to: Oliver Lindecke, Martin-Luther-University, Halle-Wittenberg Central Repository for Natural Science Collections Domplatz 4, 06108 Halle (Saale). Germany)