7th June 2012

Latest results from the National Bat Monitoring Programme suggest that all of the 11 bat species surveyed are stable or increasing.

Whilst bat populations are still thought to be very small (compared to mid-20th century levels) the National Bat Monitoring Programme Annual Report for 2011 shows five species with (statistically significant) increases in at least one survey, while the other 6 species surveyed are considered to have more stable trends.

Dr Kate Barlow explains: "These are positive results, however bat populations still have a long way to go to recover; and more needs to be learnt about what is driving the changes in bat numbers."

These trends reflect what has happened to bat populations since the start of the programme in 1997. It is likely that prior to start of the programme, there were significant historical declines in bat populations thoughout the second half of the twentieth century.

The National Bat Monitoring Programme Annual Report for 2011 presents the latest bat species population trends from this long running programme, which is a partnership between BCT, the Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Countryside Council for Wales and Defra. At present sufficient data are collected by the programme to produce population trends for 11 of the UK's 17 resident bat species. Read the full report or find species pages summarising the surveys and results for each bat species monitored.

Click here to find out more about the National Bat Monitoring Programme and to take part.